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Ben McCann

Co-founder of Connectifier.
Investor at C3 Ventures.
Google and CMU alum.

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Here are some things I consider when designing a web API. Consider using the following response code: 200 – OK 400 – Bad Request 500 – Internal Server Error 401 – Unauthorized (i.e. authentication error) 403 – Forbidden (i.e. not authorized) 404 – Not Found Version your API Use limit and offset for pagination Return Read More

Running Marathon and Mesos with Panamax


Technology Overview Panamax is a new tool that allows you to manage multiple Docker containers and to link them together. In this post, I’ll talk about creating a Panamax template which will allow you to run Marathon and Mesos in Docker containers. Mesos is a cluster manager, which allows you to run many jobs in Read More

How to take over the computer of a Jenkins user


I recently began using Jenkins and found quite a bit of security indifference. This is unfortunate because Jenkins is the world’s leading continuous integration server used for testing, building, and deploying code. According to RebelLabs, Jenkins has 70% market share, with the next closest competitor having only 9%. I’ve raised these issues with the Jenkins Read More

Shared GMail account with SAML


SAML is a protocol which securely provides an identity. Using an identity provider which supports SAML, you can setup Single Sign On. However, if you have multiple people sharing a GMail account, things get a little tricky. Here’s how you can set that up for Okta, which is one such identity provider. Application: Template SAML Read More

Migrating from MongoDB to TokuMX


First be sure to install the latest version of TokuMX on the target machines, which is currently 1.4.2. Also, for all long-running commands, you’ll want to run them in a tmux session. You can create a new tmux session with tmux new, attach to the default session with tmux attach -d, and quit a tmux Read More

Finding the size of all MongoDB collections


Here’s a helpful script for finding the size of every table in MongoDB in MB: var collNames = db.getCollectionNames(); for (var i = 0; i < collNames.length; i++) { var coll = db.getCollection(collNames[i]); var stats = coll.stats(1024 * 1024); print(stats.ns, stats.storageSize); }

Sound Insulation for Noisy Offices


I’m a founder at Connectifier, a fast growing tech startup in Newport Beach, CA. We also have an open floor plan, which is great for keeping everyone in the loop, but less awesome for quiet concentration. We also have many amenities such as a kitchen, ping pong table, and sofas, but want to keep separation Read More

Debugging tools for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


If you have a Java app that’s crashing due to out-of-memory errors then you can create a heap dump by utilizing the following flags: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp/mydump.hprof To read the head dump, you’ll need to: Install eclipse memory analyzer Open eclipse with lots of memory: eclipse -vmargs -Xmx6G Open memory analysis perspective: Window > Open Perspective Read More

TodoMVC: An Angular vs React Comparison


Two of the more talked about frameworks today are Google’s AngularJS and Facebook/Instagram’s React, but there are limited comparisons between them. TodoMVC is a project which aims to provide a comparison of JavaScript frameworks by implementing a todo list in the most popular frameworks. I have a little experience with Angular and none with React. Read More

Getting started with the Go Language


Here are a few tricks I picked up when trying to get started with go. Firstly, don’t install Ubuntu’s version of go as you’ll get an old one. Instead, use gvm to install go1.2 or whatever the latest is. Secondly, be careful to structure your code in the right directory format. If you do not Read More

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